Tehama County Department of Education Special Education Department
Mission and Vision
The mission of the Tehama County Special Education Department is to provide individualized education focused on high performance for all students in a safe supportive environment. The goal of the Tehama County Special Services staff is to provide students with a supportive environment that fosters skills in creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.
The vision of the Tehama County Special Education and Services team is to join the parents and community to assist students in developing skills to become independent and self-sufficient adults who will succeed and contribute responsibly in a global community.
This mission will be accomplished by utilizing the following critical elements:
Effective Leadership:
- Leaders will focus on all students learning.
- Leaders will have high expectations for all students.
- Leaders will have high expectations for all adults.
- Leaders will reflect shared beliefs, values, and have clear and meaningful goals for systems improvement.
- Leaders will be committed, persistent, and proactive throughout the system.
- Leaders will be visible.
- Leadership will be shared and distributed throughout the system.
- Leaders will be interested in instruction and take concrete action so students do learn.
Sustained Efforts Over Time:
- Change will be seen as a long-term, multi-stage process to attain high standards for all students.
- The Department will be committed to improvement efforts and persevere and persist.
Quality Teaching and Learning:
- The Department has high expectations and accountability for adults.
- The Department expects excellence by all, monitors performance, and provides feedback.
- The Department has clear expectations for evidence based instructional strategies and standards implementation.
- The Department’s curriculum is aligned with standards and assessments.
- The Department uses multiple measures to assess learning.
- The Department provides high quality professional development that are intensive, ongoing, and focused on classroom practice.
- The Department uses on-site coaching to improve instruction.
- Professional learning communities are developed and support the building of teacher knowledge and skills.
Support for Systemwide Improvement:
- The Department uses data to monitor results, for making instructional and resource allocation decisions, and for accountability.
- The Department provides time and training in the use of data and helps classrooms gather and interpret data.
- The data is used to monitor equity, make decisions about alignment, and target professional development efforts.
- The Department allocates resources to ensure quality instruction.
Clear and Collaborative Relationships:
- The Department builds a culture of commitment, collegiality, mutual respect, and stability.
- The Department norms include peer support, collaboration, trust, shared responsibility, and continuous learning for all adults in the system.